Faculty Of Education Organization Chart

Professor Dr. Mohd Salleh Bin Abu
Office : C15-207-03 . Tel : 07-5534258
Website :

Message from the Dean

Welcome to the Faculty of Education at the University Teknologi Malaysia website.
Public education is the foundation of significant institution in realizing our national educational philosophy and moral values, and providing quality educational experiences for all students. Our faculty mission is to promote equity and excellence in teaching and learning by integrating educational theory, research, practice and policy; and preparing education professionals. At Faculty of Education, students are exposed with the foundation for making a meaningful contribution to society. Our mission is to prepare our students, both undergraduate and graduate, to make a difference in the lives of others.

The Faculty recently has more than 100 highly qualified academics and about 1,000 graduate students local or internationally.  Mainly, our faculty consists of five important academic departments, Department of Educational Foundation, Educational Technology and Multimedia, Science and Mathematics Education, Social Education and Technical and Engineering Education offer challenging programs for Master's degree, doctoral degree, diploma in Education and 10 undergraduate major programs leading to careers as teachers, school counselors,  administrators, researchers, and lecturers working in schools, colleges and universities and international agencies.
Our Faculty also have strong linkages with locally and international bodies, agencies and universities. We are pleased informed that we are the strong alliance of Malaysian Teacher Education Committee and our international outreach programs do provide our faculty with new and better approaches and techniques in education. With the outstanding research, programs and international and local linkages, it is our hope that we will gain more recognition.

In the Faculty of Education, we provide many experiences in an effort to nurture this desire in our students: every kind of classroom, the best instruction, meaningful fieldwork, and opportunities for service learning. We work to bridge our instruction to "real world" experiences by linking theory and best practices. I invite you to explore the Faculty of Education website and consider joining an exciting community of faculty, students and staff who are committed to equity and excellence in education.

Professor Dr. Mohd Salleh Bin Abu
Dean, Faculty of Education
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia