Programs Offered By The Faculty Of Education

The programs which are offered by the faculty aim at providing future teachers with the knowledge and experiences related to the teaching profession. In general, the curriculum consists of four major components; the compulsory university subjects, specialized subjects, professional and IT subjects and multimedia in education subjects. In addition, students have to undergo teaching practice which is usually held during semester holiday.


Below are the detail descriptions of each of the components:

    Compulsory University Subjects

The subjects are compulsory for every UTM students. They are aimed at thoroughly developing students' cognitive, affective and psychomotor potentials. The subjects encompass these aspects :

  1. Spiritual knowledge ( Islamic and Asia Civilization subjects )
  2. Subjects related to the nation and the society.
  3. Communication ( English Subject )
  4. Co-curriculum subjects ( physically, socially and culturally oriented )

    Specialized Subjects

The subjects are academically-oriented based on the fields chosen by the students. Future teachers need to study the subjects in-depth for them to master the fields. The specialized subjects are :

  1. Science Subjects (Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Science)
  2. Mathematics
  3. Social Education ( Islamic Studies, Sports Science, TESL )
  4. Engineering Technology (Civil, Electrical, Mechanical)
  5. Living Skills

    Professional Subjects

The professional subjects will equip future teachers with the knowledge and skills that enable them to become competent and effective teachers. There are two groups of professional subjects ; compulsory and elective. The categorization is as follows:



Humanity and Behavior

      The subjects taught will increase students' understanding on the aspects of humanity and behavior, philosophy of education, the use of knowledge and other matters related to education and social development. These subjects are the foundation of the teaching profession. They include Educational Psychology, Sociology of Education, Philosophy of Education and Management in Education.

Teaching and Learning

      The subjects focus on the process of teaching and learning. They include Learning Theory, Teaching Theory, Teaching Methodology, Micro Teaching and Laboratory and Workshop Teaching.

Educational Policy

      Future teachers will get to know, understand and implement the nation's vision and policy in order to produce Malaysians who are able to fulfill their roles and responsibilities as khalifah of Allah. The success of our system of education depends on the teachers' capability to understand and implement every policy. The subjects are; Teaching Curriculum, School Organization and management.

Planning and Evaluation in Education

      Future teachers will learn on how to effectively plan, implement, carry out and evaluate their teaching. The subjects include Educational Planning and Measurement and Evaluation.

Bachelor Degree Project

      The subject will train future teachers in doing research specifically related to the teaching profession. For this purpose, all final year students have to conduct a project either in the form of research, software development or technological design. The students will be assisted by lecturers who are assigned by the faculty. Every student needs to undergo a viva and writes a report of the project following a specified format.

Practical Work

      Besides attaining knowledge and skills through the specified courses, students are also given the opportunity to carry out practical work either in a simulation or real-life situation. The experiences are gained through various training programs such as;
  • Clinical Experiences and Fieldwork

    Students are expected to gain experiences through various activities such as micro teaching, observation, interview, case study, diagnostic and descriptive analysis on teachers and students and other experiences related to the teaching profession.

  • Micro Teaching

    Micro teaching enables students as future teachers to apply teaching techniques and principles that need to be mastered first in order to be implemented in classroom teaching. Students are also exposed and guided to prepare lesson plan, implementation of introduction, development and conclusion of a lesson, delivery techniques, students' assessment, use of teaching aids and communication in classroom. Students are required to prepare a mock teaching to be presented in front of fellow classmates.

  • Teaching Practice

    Teaching practice aims at enabling future teachers to apply all theories and teaching methods that they have learned inside a real classroom. It is one of the requirements that need to be fulfilled before the conferment of degree in Education. The duration of teaching practicum is at least 12 weeks and it is conducted at schools as set by the faculty



    IT and Multimedia Subjects
    The subjects emphasize on skills , mastery, knowledge and theoretical framework related to IT and educational multimedia. It is especially designed to train future teachers in facing the challenges of their profession in today's IT era. Future teachers will be exposed to theoretical framework as well as IT and multimedia in the process of teaching and learning. Among the subjects offered are: IT in Education, Teaching method in software development, Audio and Video technology, CD-Rom and web based multimedia, and Programming language.

    Program Management
    All programs are managed through lectures, practical work and projects. Lectures are conducted every week according to schedules as determined by the faculty. Students will be exposed to practical exercises in labs or workshops or studios to gain related skills. Other than lectures and practical work, it is compulsory for all final year students to conduct a study which is either research-based or software development or technological design. It is made compulsory for students to undergo practicum in school or/and industry during predetermined duration.


Assessment of each subject is continuously conducted throughout the semester based on course work and final exam. Course work assessment is based on quizzes, assignments, presentations and tests. Course work assessment and final exam comprise of not more than 50% from the whole assessment. Assessment of certain subject like practical can be conducted based on course work. Assessment for practicum can be carried out by supervisors elected by the faculty according to procedures.